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This research was supported by the Hungarian Scientific
This research was supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund OTKA, contract no. NN 108283 to M.M. Data Dye-labeled DNA sequencing technique is still an important tool for clinical decision making on cancer [3–5], drug metabolism genotyping [6–8], pathogen identification [9–11], inherit
To combat these challenges a government initiative
To combat these challenges, a government initiative in 2012 distributed a two burner liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) stove and one tank of gas to each household, but these stoves go largely unused today due to the relatively high cost of LPG (Partnerships, 2012). Most residents in the rural villages c
We recently tested the normal development
We recently tested the normal development of object recognition memory in monkeys using the visual paired comparison (VPC) task (Zeamer et al., 2010) as well as that of infant monkeys that had received selective hippocampal lesions. Infant monkeys received the VPC task at four ages during developmen
Attentional selection may be directed based on
Attentional selection may be directed based on the desires or goals of the individual (i.e. top-down control) or can be driven by salient information within the environment (i.e. bottom-up modulation). Adaptive allocation of attention rarely consists of exclusively top-down or bottom-up mechanisms;
Neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that a history of
Neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that a history of peer rejection and accompanying intra- and interpersonal vulnerability factors are associated with enhanced neural responses to social exclusion in adolescence. Activity in the dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) – a region involved in dete
Increase in TON from to s resulted in the
Increase in TON from 0.65 to 0.8 μs resulted in the formation of larger craters on the machined surface. This is reason for the increase in Ra with input power and TON. It is recommended to use TON of 0.65μs and IP of 12 A, respectively, for obtaining minimum Ra. The thermal power generates the high
Lo que sigue no es ni una reconstrucci n ni
Lo que sigue no es ni una reconstrucción ni un análisis de las relaciones entre el feminismo y el peronismo, historia de relaciones terminables e interminables que, en gran medida, está todavía por hacerse y, dada la agrafia que la signa, deberá, sin duda, ser objeto de una práctica historiadora sen
Dicho programa est orientado a incentivar
Dicho programa está orientado hcv protease inhibitors incentivar el desarrollo humano y contribuir a la ruptura del ciclo intergeneracional de la pobreza. Atiende a cerca de 25 millones de personas que viven en 5.8 millones de hogares en situación de pobreza, y cerca de 50% de estos se ubican en est
Hay otros aspectos de la tica feminista que deber
Hay otros aspectos de la ética feminista que deberían transferirse cholesterol absorption inhibitor la bioética, incluidos los desafíos hechos por las feministas a algunos conceptos clave de la ética tradicional. Por ejemplo, las feministas han cuestionado la utilidad del concepto del individuo abst
Otras feministas entre las cuales me
Otras feministas, entre las cuales me incluyo, creemos que la tradición de los derechos posee los recursos conceptuales para enfrentar estos cargos. Por ejemplo, es posible interpretar los derechos para que tomen en cuenta las diferencias morales sobresalientes entre los/as poseedores de derechos, a
Satz concluye que la mejor manera
Satz concluye que la mejor manera de acabar con un mercado nocivo es modificar el contexto en que surgió, o sea, con una mejor redistribución de la riqueza, más derechos y oportunidades laborales. Justamente por todo lo anterior, no hay que olvidar que las prohibiciones y restricciones, además de qu
br El malestar de la representaci n La otra experiencia
El malestar de la representación La otra experiencia que ilustra los efectos que produce la ambigüedad del género en las prácticas socioculturales es la de haber ocupado el puesto de coordinadora de un centro de estudios de género en una universidad pública mexicana en dos momentos distintos: una
Moreover TMJ arthroscopy has provided
Moreover, TMJ arthroscopy has provided insight that not all feeding needles with adequate outflow are intracapsular “Arthrocentesis”. To be noted that the single patient in the current study that did not meet the designated success criteria was the oldest (48 years) in our studied sample. However, d
In Fig the authors categorize three types
In Fig. 3, the authors categorize three types of variables that can lead to cooperation. Management (Management Variables) is a source of cooperation if managers share information with transparency. Unions, by being more responsive and integrating also lead to fostering cooperation. The unions in th
br From protoBIM to quantumBIM
From protoBIM to quantumBIM In the search for finding the key to solve the above specification dilemma Hyperbody has developed a program based on the dynamic principles of swarm behavior (Fig. 6). The hrg (Hyperbody Research Group) software organizes the behavior of points in space, while these p
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